Sunday, January 23, 2011

Rendering Mode Control IN IE8

IEIf you’ve been making websites for a while, you’ll remember at least one browser transition where
you needed to address issues with the way your past work appeared in the newest browser. It’s just the reality of being a web designer: old work needs to be tested and new work needs to be adjusted every time there’s a new release of a major browser.
Those who are new to web design have lucked out because Internet explorer 8 allows the designer to specify the rendering mode of pages on an individual basis. Leveraging this provides you with an easy way to instantly “fix” pages, and when permanent solutions are developed, you can easily specify that the page displays in the most recent Internet Explorer rendering mode regardless what that version is.
All of this magic happens with a simple little meta tag:
(Where | represents one of the modes below)
  1. IE=5
    This forces IE 8 to render the page in “Quirks” mode.
    • IE=7
      This forces IE 8 to render the page using IE 7 Strict mode.
      • IE=EmulateIE7
        This forces IE 8 to use the !DOCTYPE declaration in the page to determine the rendering mode.
        • IE=8
          This forces IE 8 to display the page in Internet Explorer Standards mode.
          • IE=EmulateIE8
            This forces IE 8 to use the !DOCTYPE declaration in the page to determine the rendering mode.
            • IE=edge
            • This forces Internet Explorer 8 to render in the most recent mode. For instance; currently this would behave like using a value of IE=8, but when IE 9 is available that will be the mode that IE=edge will render in.

              Thursday, January 20, 2011

              Adding HTML5 tags to Dreamweaver CS4

              Ten Steps and your  Dreamweaver CS4 work in HTML5

              1. Start Dreamweaver and go to Edit > Tag Library Editor
              2. Click on the plus “+” icon and select New Tag Library
              3. Give your new tag library a name, something like “HTML5 tags”
              4. Select the type of documents you want the HTML5 tags to be used in from the “Used in“ list
              5. Now, click on the plus “+” icon again and select New Tags this time
              6. Type the HTML5 tags you’d like to add
                TIP: add multiple tags at once – copy and paste this selection of tags if you like:
                article, aside, audio, canvas,  command, datagrid,
                datalist, details, dialog, figure, footer, header, 
                hgroup, mark, meter, nav, output, progress, rp, rt, 
                ruby, section, source, time, video
              7. Next, you can add HTML5 global attributes to these tags. Click on the plus “+” icon and select Add Attributes
              8. Select the HTML5 tags library you created before and select the tag you want to give attributes to. You can comfortably add the global attributes to all new HTML5 tags:
                class, id, style, contenteditable, irrelevant, tabindex,
                contextmenu, lang, template, dir, ref, title, draggable, 
              9. Once that is done you can also assign attribute types where possible, ie: class = CssStyle or dir = Enumerator (with values: ltr, rtl) etc.
              10. That’s it!
              Or you can download HTML5 Pack for Dreamweaver CS3 and CS4. Click here