Wednesday, November 17, 2010

We live in a Nation.....

… Where momo and chowmin reaches home faster than Ambulance & POLICE,
… Where you get car loan @ 12% and education loan @ 18%,
… Where rice is Rs 50/- per kg but SIM card is free,
… Where the footwear, we wear, are sold in AC showrooms, but vegetables, that we eat, are sold on the footpath,
...Where everybody wants to be famous but nobody wants to follow the path to be famous,
… Where we make lemon juices with artificial flavours and dish wash liquids with real lemon,
… Where people are standing at tea stalls reading an article about child labour from a newspaper and say,

"यार बचाहरुलाई काम गराउनेलाई फासि दिनु पर्छ"
and then they shout
"ओइ कान्छ २ कप चिया ल्या त......"